Has Delhaize already given up?

Has Delhaize already given up?

We reported a few weeks ago about the innovation launched by Delhaize in Brussels to allow consumers to shop “virtually”.

The “Cube”, as it is called, had been installed in the Central Station in Brussels and we were were skeptical about its chances of success because it was a mere copy of an innovation launched in South Korea where the context and the literacy of the consumer with mobile phones are totally different.

What we found out is that Delhaize just adds up the mistakes and did other things wrong.

First of all the Cube is not installed permanently in a place but is moved to different places. It was last week for instance in the metro stations. Why is it a bad idea? Just because you can not foster use if you don’t create an habit. By moving the Cube in different places Delhaize doesn’t give any chance to the consumer to get used to it and to develop an habit.

The Cube was moved to the Arts-Loi metro station

Second, the Cube can be found now in metro stations at the worst places possible, i.e. on their way. At first sight it may seem a good idea but when you go down an escalator with dozens of people in your back you don’t want to find an obstacle and the “pressure” is high not to stop in front of the Cube.

Third, a cube has 4 sides. Make sure therefore that they are all accessible!

A cube has four sides … make sure they are all accessible


My take:

Wrong consumer context, no chance to create an habit, wrong places. It looks like it will be difficult to turn this innovation into a success.

Posted in Marketing.