SIAL deadline is approaching: innovations in the food and drink sector

SIAL deadline is approaching: innovations in the food and drink sector

Every two years the world’s biggest trade fair for the food and drink sector is organized in Paris.

The SIAL will atract ca. 140,000 visitors and we welcome more than 5000 exhibitors (!) during 5 days, from Oct 21st until Oct 25th. This trade fair is a unique opportunity to spot the latest trends in innovation and consumers’ behaviors and as usual IntoTheMinds will cover this event. Don’t forget to read or re-read some of the posts we dedicated to the 2010 edition, for instance our post on the energy drinks market.

For the 2012 edition of the SIAL we created a map of emerging trends and behaviors that will help us navigate through the fair. This map will be the canvas we will use when we return and when we publish our articles. To give you an idea we have identified five main dimensions in the consumer’s journey :

  • Hedonism and pleasure
  • Health and risk prevention
  • Appearance and energy
  • Practicality and efficiency
  • Ethics

These five trends are thought to be general and divided in micro-trends that we are willing to illustrate through examples taken from the SIAL. If you are aware of new products fitting in one of those categories, or if your company launched such a product in 2012, feel free to drop u a line at



Posted in Innovation.