How a postcard can create high customer satisfaction

How a postcard can create high customer satisfaction

We promised in an earlier post to deal with one example of how a company can increase its customers’ satisfaction and loyalty by paying attention to details. This example is inspired by Werner Bruyns, the CEO of Coolblue whom I met at a bpost event earlier this year.

After the event I browsed the Coolblue website and found out that the promises made (and the prices) were pretty attractive. I ordered a few stuffs (all the promises were kept) and got a few days later a postcard in the mail.

The postcard was sent by Werner himself who was wishing me a lot of good time with the new stuffs I had just received. I was just amazed by the level of attention of Coolblue; this is for me the ultimate example of exceptional customer service.

Advice for your marketing strategy

The example above is not just an anecdote. It should inspire you to actually find ways to amaze your customers. What are your customers NOT expecting from you. Can you positively surprise them ?

If you own a company, do you pick up your phone and call directly your end customers to ask them how they feel about their latest purchase ?

Keeping a direct contact with your customer base is essential. Too many CEO’s, VP’s and managers in general forget that their salaries are paid by real people at the end of the chain. Even if you are in the B2B business you should never forget that your products are eventually used by real people like you and me. If those people are in contact with your product / service and can recognize where it’s coming from, why not bridging the gap and trying to reach directly the end customer ?

Posted in Marketing.