Looking back at one year of blogging

Looking back at one year of blogging

Back in 2012 (on Dec 31st to be precise) I drew the conclusions of the past year and took some decisions related to the future of this blog.

My commitments revolved around 3 axis :

    • More structure in our blog posts
    • Better integrated pictures
    • Alternation of short and longer articles

Did I keep my promises?

As far as the structure of the blog posts is concerned I hope that my efforts have been visible. I followed the advices of the excellent Frédéric Wauters and the Universem team. I’m now trying to put some efforts into finding an attractive title and writing a catchy first phrase. More over you’ll have probably noted that under titles are used more extensively to increase the readability of our posts (this is particularly important for long posts).

As far as the pictures are concerned they are now grouped at the end of the article and we also corrected a bug that prevented displaying them in pop-up windows.

In terms of article length I started pretty well in the first half of 2013; everything was well balanced. But I kind of forgot my promises and since I had a lot to tell, the second half of the year was filled with longer articles.

What about the audience?

Last year I also set some objectives in terms of audience. The good news is that some KPI’s have dramatically improved thanks to the good work of the Universem team. The audience of the French version of the blog has more than doubled and we’re having ca. 5000 unique visitors a month. This is still modest but given the focus of the blog I guess I can be happy.

In contrast the relative percentage of readers of the English version has dropped because the number of French-speaking readers increased so much.

All in all we more or less doubled the number of readers in the last 8 months which is the result of a more discipline and probably also an increased activity on social media.

What’s next?

The next big thing in 2014 will be a complete new design of our blog that we’re preparing with the guys of Côté Clair. We’ll also introduce categories to quickly find the posts that interest you most and will keep on building with the same keywords.

The website will be also migrated to a new provider to increase performances and will be better prepared for social media sharing. In particular we’ll offer a Pinterest wall of what we find the most inspiring in the world of marketing, innovation, packaging, …

What we are also thinking about is to start a Dutch version of the blog to better adapt to our target audience in the north of Belgium and in The Netherlands.

In conclusion

I’m putting a huge amount of effort into building this blog and seeing the audience increase regularly is obviously a fabulous reward. THANK YOU for reading me and sharing my passion for marketing, innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship.

I hope I’ll be able to increase the audience further in 2014. There is still a long way to go to increase the brand awareness of IntoTheMinds. Thank you for your support in this venture.

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