Customer experience : wine estate “La Grange des Pères” uses sensory marketing

Customer experience : wine estate “La Grange des Pères” uses sensory marketing

How to create bonds with your customers, how to increase their loyalty ? Those questions are essential for firms.

Independent winemakers need to have loyal customers to survive. Here’s what one of them did to foster customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Independent winemakers under price pressure

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that many winemakers are having difficulties to sell their product. Most of them use indirect sale channels and sell their wine to intermediaries (with a discount of course). Although larger quantities of product can be sold through this channel, the inconvenient is that the remaining margin is usually pretty thin.

Direct sales to consumers usually allow to double or triple profitability. Yet, direct sales are not easy. They require to have a well-maintained customer database and to do some kind of marketing actions to keep customers.

Sensory marketing can help enhance loyalty

La Grange des Pères, a famous French wine estate, has found a way to reinforce the link with its customers: sensory marketing. On the video below (courtesy Thomas Cabrol of N5 wine bar) you’ll see that each case contains a surprise.

When you open your wine case you’ll discover fresh herbs from the estate that will help you develop an emotional bond with the product.

Sensorial marketing and the role of emotions in customer loyalty

To better understand the impact of the senses on marketing, we asked a leading expert to enlighten us on the subject. Professor Moshe Davidow is an authority on customer satisfaction. We have made a podcast with him, and we include below a chapter on the relationship between customer satisfaction and (in particular) emotions. You will undoubtedly draw a parallel with the subject of this article and may wonder how you can add a touch of excitement to your product/service to increase customer loyalty.

Advice for your marketing strategy

“Customer experience” has more or less become a buzz word. Everyone claims doing it, proposing a different “experience”. Yet, in the reality nothing is visible. What I like in the initiative of La Grange des Pères is that it is simple and that it makes sense.

Have you ever thought of which memories, which feelings are triggered in your customers’ heads when they think about your brand ? What could you give to your customer to materialize these feelings ? How could make their feelings and memories tangible ? Feel free to contact us if you need any help.

Posted in Marketing.