Creative business cards : we are almost there

Creative business cards : we are almost there

Last year I felt the need to have new business cards. From the very beginning I wanted to create creative business cards that people would remember. After searching the internet and in particular pinterest, I drafted a few concepts that combined all my objectives. I also spotted this one example that I found absolutely stunning.


Creative business cards : 3 tips for a wow effect


I listed 3 elements that in my opinion define a great business card and that are necessary to create a wow effect :

  1. Don’t use a rectangular piece of paper
  2. The business card must be animated and create an interaction
  3. There must be a clear graphical link with what you do (and possibly the name of the company)


I eventually created one concept that I thought combined all those aspects and passed it along to a professional designer. I was at a certain point tempted to do it myself but realized that I lacked technical skills to make choice on materials, tolerances.

We chose to team up with designer Gregory Meurice of agency Erggo to realize this project. Before entering the production phase I couldn’t resist the temptation to reveal a few details of our new business cards …


Stay tuned …

Posted in Innovation, Marketing, Strategy.