New in 2018: step-by-step market research guide for all

New in 2018: step-by-step market research guide for all

Happy new year everybody ! What an amazing year 2017 has been for us. We feel blessed to have carried out so many market research and Big Data projects last year : banking, retail, media, FMCG, luxury, IT, indusrail goods, … you name it. We have done dozens of projects in many different industries. We have welcomed one more consultant in the team who has proved to be very talented from the very beginning. We are so proud to have Alexandre Bonnyns on board.

So, what’s on the agenda for the readers of this blog in 2018 ?

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Announcing the ultimate market research guide

Besides our normal publications, I’m happy to announce that I’m currently completing the ultimate guide to market research study. It will be a 20-page very practical step-by-step market research guide that all entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs will be happy to refer to. The first draft has been handed over to our web agency and is expected to be online in French, English and Dutch by the end of February. We will further add the German and Italian versions and make a white paper in .pdf format that you’ll be able to download directly from our website . The reason I wanted to write this guide is that I’ve been constantly disappointed by the online resources I’ve found on market research. They are at best incomplete, at worse biased. I wanted to write down all the practical hints I had gathered over the last decade together with a really complete methodology that would suit anyone’s needs.

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This guide will be completed in the upcoming months by dedicated articles on competitive analysis, focus groups, qualitative research, … We will add all those links to the market research guide so that it becomes a reference you ca always refer to.

New service for would-be entrepreneurs

Those among you who want to launch their own business but don’t have the money to outsource their market research study, will be delighted to know that we’ll be launching a new service for them in 2018. For 249€ per month (we’ll have an early bird offer for 199€/month) you’ll get :

  • one-to-one consulting with one of our consultants to help you get your market research done in 6 months max, get personal advice and clear instructions
  • unlimited number of questions answered by email
  • 1st month free
  • 30-day money back guarantee

This service will be available in French, Dutch and English in 2018. Depending on the demand we may launch other languages afterwards.

Posted in Marketing.