This artist uses market research techniques for a stunning visual result

This artist uses market research techniques for a stunning visual result

While on business trip in Glasgow a few weeks ago (for the EMAC marketing conference), I visited the Glasgow Museum of Modern Art and discovered the Mitch Miller’s work. Mitch Miller is a Glasgow-based artist who has invented the concept of dialectograms, which he describes as follows :

Take a dash of cartography, a pinch of architecture and a fair bit of ethnography and you have the dialectogram, graphic art that depicts place from the ground up.

His work combines different techniques that could be used in qualitative market research :

  • taking notes in a diary (like Charles Booth did for his research on London)
  • mapping things, events and behaviors
  • visual description of people
  • visualising places (like we use to do when we study in-store behaviors)

Not only is Miller’s work documenting the reality of a situation but it also merges market research techniques together to converge into a useful and visually superb result. I’ve included below some of the pictures I took in the Glasgow Museum of Modern Art.

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