Where is the NERF coming from and why is it a marketing success?

Where is the NERF coming from and why is it a marketing success?

Have you never heard of the NERF? There are several possible explanations: either you don’t have children, or they are no longer of an age to play with guns, or you have passed the age to play yourself. The NERF would appear to be played with at all ages, and especially in start-ups. Go to YouTube and see for yourself. There are plenty of videos of NERF battles in the workplace.

The NERF is a pistol game that shoots foam bullets and that young and old love. Pierre-Raffaele is, of course, an unconditional fan. But have you ever wondered where the NERF comes from? This toy has an incredible story, that of an American inventor who one day in 1969 invented a new material. The rest is told on video 🙂

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Posted in Entrepreneurship.