Market research in Luxemburg: the 10 best data sources

Market research in Luxemburg: the 10 best data sources

For several weeks now, we have been providing you with the data sources that you should consult when you want to open a new business or set up in a new geographical area. Today, we detail our top 10 data sources to help you with your market research in Luxemburg.

checklist is also provided at the end of this article.

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Official national statistics

Official national statistics are considered the “must” in terms of data. As the name implies, these data are provided by official bodies and are therefore irrefutable. Using them in the preparation of your market research will make your case and your business more tangible and credible. Each country has an official institute that offers the highest level of quality. For your market research in Luxemburg, first of all, go to the statistics website of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. This site gives you access to many files and statistics on subjects related to the territory, its demographics, and its economy; it will provide you with details on sectoral, entrepreneurial, social and environmental issues.

How do you use this data for your market research?

  • Define a geographical location (catchment area) based on regional demographics and economy
  • Understanding consumer purchasing behaviour
  • Defining competitors in the market
  • Understanding some key legislative restrictions

This data will be particularly useful if you need to carry out PESTEL research (to find out more about PESTEL, click here).

Financial data of companies

Secondly, we strongly recommend that you take into account the financial data of your competitors and future partners or suppliers to investigate the profitability of your project, the state of the competition and the situation of your potential stakeholders.

To this end, several portals offer information on Luxemburg businesses:

  • RCS, the trade and companies register
  • RESA, the electronic compendium of companies and associations
  • RBE, the register of beneficial owners will have to be added to the list of must-see sites. It details the procedures and legislation to be followed by companies in Luxemburg. These analyses of financial data (balance sheets, results, turnover, and so on) will be essential for investigating the appeal of the market.

If you work in B2B, these tools will also be useful to you to define your target, its financial health and its potential in terms of investment, not to mention listing your prospects in this market.

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Consumer protection

The ULC (Free Union of Consumers) sets out the rights of consumers in Luxemburg and offers on its website comparisons as well as sectoral and product analyses. ULC edits and publishes the magazine of Konsument (“the consumer”).

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The information that you will be able to draw from this source will allow you to compare your product or service with those offered by your competitors. You will also be able to take advantage of it to judge the potential interest of your solution on the Luxembourg market. Remember that the first idea is rarely the right one. Don’t be discouraged if you perceive a lack of alignment with market demand. Consider this as an opportunity to improve your primary idea.

Customs and border protection

When importing or exporting products and services from or to foreign countries, it is imperative to find out about customs laws and regulations. The government website, the customs and excise portal, will be of great help in this respect. You will find a lot of useful information for your market research in Luxemburg, whether on agreements and legislation, logistics or border news.

The customs sites are an excellent source of data for your PESTEL research, particularly for the “L” (legal aspects).

We have dedicated an article to market research applied to the export sector. You can access it here.

Sector data for your market research in France

To get to the heart of the matter and give even more impact to your market research, you will need to investigate the sector data in detail. Below you will find an overview of the best sources of sector data.


A wealth of data relating to Luxembourg public health can be consulted on the official government health website, which publishes dossiers on health policy, the various professions and legislation. has developed an application on Android and iOS with the most frequently consulted sections on the website.

The food industry

As far as the food sector is concerned, you will find various vital themes addressed on the website. This official site offers several articles and dossiers dedicated to legislationconsumers and professionals. In the “publications” section, you will find all the dossiers issued by the body responsible for food safety in Luxemburg. It should be noted that Luxemburg, like all European Union countries, is subject to the regulations issued by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).


As a player in the agricultural market, it is in your interest to find out more on the official website containing information related to the agri-food industry. However, your primary source of information remains the site of the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development. This site is full of legal information but also news that you can search and filter according to your activity and professional interests. You can find further information on the agricultural and wine-growing sector in the corresponding section on the site


The government reference for the Luxemburg housing market is the website which details policies and regulations concerning housing in Luxemburg as well as the aids and procedures to follow as a developer.


For the energy sector in Luxemburg, you will find a wealth of information on the myenergy website, which works in collaboration with the Ministries of Energy and Spatial Planning, Environment and Climate and Sustainable Development and Housing. The site details energy-related regulations and news for private individuals, Luxembourg municipalities, experts and players in the energy sector as well as companies.


Luxinnovation offers innovators and start-ups grants and funding opportunities for innovative projects. The website segments different projects according to the sector and clusters defined by Luxinnovation (automotive, health, industry, wood, new technologies, materials). The site lists several events related to innovations and according to sectors.


Topic Data source Added-value for your market research in France
Nationals statistics The statistics portal Official figures to contribute to your PESTEL study
Financial data




Competition research, profitability of the sector
Consumer protection ULC Market analysis, sector analysis
Customs and border protection Legal aspects of the PESTEL analysis
Sector data – Health Health portal Files on health issues and medicines
Sector data – The food industry


Indicators on the food industry market and legal aspects
Sector data – Agriculture

Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development

Agricultural legislation, agreements and policies
Sector data – Accommodation Housing market and related issues
Sector data – Energy myenergy Energy indicators and legislation
Sector data – Innovation Luxinnovation Aid for innovation

Also worth consulting

Illustrations: Shutterstock

Posted in Marketing.