Customer experience: The Lavazza Museum, a place to be taken as an example

Customer experience: The Lavazza Museum, a place to be taken as an example

For a museum, creating an innovative customer experience is an essential element of success. So even though I don’t usually talk about my vacations, I absolutely have to tell you about my visit to the Lavazza Museum in Turin, Italy. When it comes to customer experience and interactivity, Lavazza has it all figured out. And when the customer experience is at its best, customer satisfaction is bound to follow.

If you only have 30 seconds

The Lavazza Museum in Turin is dedicated to the more than 100-year history of this emblem of Italian success. The museum offers a personalized customer experience thanks to various digital devices that are activated via an RFID chip placed under a cup given to you at the entrance. The visit concludes with a multi-sensory experience: a personalized summary of your visit thanks to the information recorded by your connected cup, followed by a tasting under the guidance of an absolutely charming barista.

An interactive exhibition thanks to an RFID chip

When you buy your tickets at the Lavazza Museum, you will also be given a cup. I thought I was going to use it for a tasting, but I was wrong. Underneath the mug is an RFID chip that allows you to activate different interactive devices during the visit. You just have to put it on the spaces provided to launch a video, a projection, take a picture, interact with video devices.

lavazza museum rfid

Placed on this table, the cup equipped with the RFID chip activates a soundtrack and an animation on a screen.

The exhibition, therefore, includes fixed parts (such as the brand’s chronology) and interactive parts triggered by the cup. Thus, the visitor can choose to compose his visit according to his interests and go deeper into certain parts by activating the different devices provided for this purpose.

lavazza brand history

Interactive devices to personalize the visit

The tour is divided into 5 rooms to the glory of Lavazza and its marketing genius. The business started in 1895 with 50 lire and has become an emblem of Italy throughout the world.  The exhibition traces the milestones in the development of the brand through some of the period’s objects and products. You can learn all about the cultivation and manufacture of coffee. Two sliding screens allow you to discover more about each step of the coffee canning and bottling process (see video below).

The second room is dedicated to the brand’s machines and presents a great prototype of a capsule machine from the 1980s. Who would have thought that the premises of a revolution in coffee consumption would be found so far back in time?

lavazza museum torino coffee machines

In the third room, there is a “barista” van equipped to serve the best coffee in the depths of Italy.

lavazza museum barista truck

Complete tour of Lavazza advertising campaigns

A staircase leads the visitor to the upper floor, where the 4th room, which traces the advertising inventions of Lavazza, awaits.

lavazza adveritsing history

We find in particular the 2 main characters of the brand: Caballero and Carmencita (invented in 1957), known by all Italians of 50 years and over.

lavazza museum Caballero Carmencita

Caballero and Carmencita, two iconic characters of the Lavazza brand created in the 1950s.

For the latter, the museum space has some pleasant surprises tinged with nostalgia. Beyond the 2 giant figures, the visitor can also have his picture taken in the middle of Caballero and Carmencita. By placing the interactive cup on the screens provided for this purpose, photos can be realized using a series of webcams. You will be able to immortalize this moment while sitting in a giant cup or a cloudy setting reminiscent of the “Lavazza in paradise” series of ads initiated in 1995.

lavazza museum paradise advertising

The clouds decor will allow you to immortalize your visit as if you were an actor in the “Lavazza in Paradise” commercial.

A multi-sensory customer experience

Before entering the last room, a visual experience awaits you as well as a summary of your visit. Put your cup on the interactive screen to review your photos and visualize the interactive moments you participated in.

The 5th room is where the tasting awaits the visitor. Emidio, the barista, is waiting for you to taste the different shades of coffee. And if your visit takes place in the late afternoon, you will have the opportunity to opt for an exquisite cocktail with cold coffee and cinnamon syrup, which is splendid!

lavazza museum barista

The last part of the Lavazza Museum is dedicated to tasting. The barista, Emidio, is waiting for you to appreciate the subtle differences between the different coffees.






Posted in Marketing.