ETL: Anatella in web version with high performance

ETL: Anatella in web version with high performance

If you are interested in data science, you know that data preparation is a very time-consuming step. That’s why choosing the right ETL software is so important. My favorite solution is called Anatella. I appreciate its qualities in terms of speed and the richness of the proposed transformations. So, of course, I am always enthusiastic when a new product arrives on the market. In this case, it is the web version of Anatella which allows the publisher Timi to propose a very disruptive price.

Anatella on the web: what changes in the interface

The web version should not be too disorienting for those who use Anatella in its desktop version. The only notable difference is the presence of a window on the left which serves as an intermediary for managing your files. Drag and drop files should be done on this window and not in the Anatella window itself.

anatella web version

For the rest, nothing changes. As soon as you identify yourself, the window opens and adapts to your screen’s resolution. You immediately find your bearings, and I must admit that it is an undeniable advantage compared to some solutions whose web version is different.

Some specific functions

On the menu of this web version, there are some additional specific features. One of them is particularly suitable since it is an integrated screen sharing. The solution, provided by Beyond SSL, allows you to collaborate in real-time with several people in an Anatella window. I found this extremely convenient and smart. No need to install additional software like AnyDesk. Everything is integrated into Anatella.

The other new feature is a file upload. In the local version of Anatella, you have to use an “output” connector to extract the data to the desired location. This option is, of course, still available as it is the core of the ETL. The version also proposes the option to download the output data directly (see screenshot below). This is a minor addition, but in the end, it can save you a little time if you can’t remember where the data is stored.

download anatella web

Impressive performance

The web versions of other ETLs I had tested until now never really surprised me. The surprise was there because the results of my previous benchmark exploded. This is probably due to the software’s architecture and construction. It was with curiosity that I launched an operation on 1 billion lines.

1 billion lines handled on anatella web version

While in my last benchmark, it took 760 seconds to realize the operation, the web version of Anatella gets by in 35.59 seconds. The reason for this is the virtual machine on which Anatella runs. Even when loading a 10 GB flat file with a billion lines on the virtual machine, the operation is realized in 72.63 seconds.

The choice of CPU is a direct consequence of an article in which Frank Vanden Berghen, the inventor of Anatella, compared the single-threaded and multi-threaded performance of a whole series of CPUs. At the end of this benchmark, the AMD Ryzen 9 5950x stood out (it is circled on the graph below). It is thus of CPU which equips the virtual machine on which runs the web version of Anatella.

best cpu for data science

Benchmark of different CPUs on the market for data science applications (credit: Timi).

An interesting offer

The release of this web version allows Timi to propose a very attractive introductory offer at 99€/month. The normal price will be 499€/month. But even at this price, it is extremely competitive. In the web version, your ETL is directly operational, perfectly configured, and super performing, thanks to a state-of-the-art machine. In addition, the monthly subscription formula allows you to reduce your costs to a minimum if you wish. This is quite disruptive in a market where annual licenses are the rule.

The icing on the cake is that for this price, you also get 200Gb of storage space (on SSD) which doesn’t spoil anything. Finally, to meet the prerogatives of the most sensitive, the server is in Europe, and the company that hosts your data is European. A good way to be 100% compliant with the GDPR and the Cloud Act.

To learn more, visit the Timi website.

Posted in Data & IT.