Street marketing: an example to follow [Soap and the City]

Street marketing: an example to follow [Soap and the City]

Street marketing, it’s good to know what it is. It’s even better to have an inspiring example of street marketing to implement. Today we give a little help (watch out for the pun) to “Soap and the city.”

As its name suggests, this store located in Paris sells soap. Its owner had a good idea of installing a sink in front of his store so that passers-by could wash their hands with real Marseille soap. It’s simple, obvious, and brilliant. It’s an example of street marketing that lends itself to analysis. And it’s an opportunity for me to remind you that street marketing is an integral part of the marketing mix (it’s the “P” of “Promotion”).

street marketing exemple : soap and the city (paris)

Street marketing: the example of Soap and the City is inspiring because it shows that you can implement interesting and effective initiatives with limited means.

The benefits of this street marketing operation

The benefits are threefold:

  • A good point in times of pandemic is to reduce the transmission of the virus
  • A good way to try the product and make people want to buy it
  • A good way to cool down when it is hot

Incidentally, it stops marketing enthusiasts like me and makes the store known.

street marketing exemple : soap and the city (paris)

Street marketing: example of Soap and the City (Paris), which installed a sink in front of its sales outlet to allow customers to wash their hands and test its products.

4 characteristics of a successful street marketing operation

This example, encountered by chance during my wanderings in Paris, made me consider the objectives to keep in mind when doing street marketing. In addition to the fact that any street marketing initiative in the public domain must be legal, I have identified 4 characteristics to put all the chances of success on your side.

  1. First, I think that a street marketing initiative should be simple. And goodness knows that it’s hard to keep it simple in marketing.
  2. Secondly, a street marketing operation must be visible. It must be visually remarkable, catching the eye of the passer-by.
  3. Third, it must be interactive. Curiosity leads to interactivity and brings the passer-by closer to the sales outlet. Street marketing is indeed a technique like any other to sell. But sales are only possible if the customer comes closer and enters the store. In terms of interactivity, nothing is better than the one that allows prospective clients to test the product you are promoting.
  4. Fourth, it must be linked to the brand. Too many street marketing projects stray from the brand’s values and identity. It must be easy for the customer to understand the underlying link with the brand.

Good human interaction with a prospect is the best way to convert them into customers. Street marketing must help you generate these interactions.

What to remember about the “Soap and the City” street marketing initiative?

This initiative shows that street marketing does not have to be complicated. It is common sense that should prevail. I even think that the more budget you have for such a project, the less your success probability. A limited budget (or no budget) will force you to go to the essentials and not disperse yourself.

Your goal should be to create emotion and invite interaction. This is exactly what happened with Soap and the City. The manager was outside the store, and I wanted to congratulate him on his initiative. The contact was made, and if it weren’t for not missing my train, I would have gladly let myself be tempted by a soap. Remember, dear merchants, that good human interaction with a prospect is the best way to convert him into a customer. Street marketing must help you generate these interactions.

street marketing exemple de Sap and the City (Paris)




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