How to define a brand territory? Definition and examples

How to define a brand territory? Definition and examples

For companies, defining a brand territory is an essential aspect of their marketing positioning. For this reason, it responds to key issues of consumer behavior and brand image. It pushes brands to question their intrinsic values and the expectations of their target market. In this article, we look at the distinctive elements of this practice. We also propose 3 examples of well-defined territories to help you better understand the ins and outs of this territory.

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What is a brand territory?

A brand territory represents the place a brand occupies in the minds of consumers. It is built based on a company’s values and the expectations of marketing targets. In doing so, brands establish distinctive communication elements (logo, slogan, editorial line, etc.). Therefore, this territory is a key differentiating factor. This notion of marketing is fundamentally based on the long term. Brands must follow it over time to build a solid awareness.

How to define a brand territory?

To define their brand territory, companies must ask themselves about their values, their adequacy with the market, and the communication to adopt. Thus, they ask themselves 3 essential questions:

  • What are the expectations of the market?
  • What is the DNA of the brand?
  • How to communicate its DNA to the market?

territoire de marque attentes marché

What are the market’s expectations?

The first step in defining your brand territory is to ask yourself about your target markets. After all, this is a key aspect of brand strategy: the positioning they would like to occupy. In this case, companies examine the competitive tension and determine whether the market is niche. This involves real competitive intelligence efforts to detect the latest market trends.

Of course, to meet the market’s expectations, it is necessary to look at the needs of the marketing targets. To do this, brands regularly use the services of a market research agency to understand consumer behavior. With this expertise, consultants and marketers work hand in hand to make creative and impactful recommendations.

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What is the brand’s DNA?

Secondly, companies must ask themselves what their brand values are. As we will see in our “Examples” section, the best brands rely on their values to be more easily identifiable and unique. Here are some suggestions for engaging values to define your brand territory:

  • Tradition
  • Luxury
  • Respect for the environment
  • Diversity
  • Efficiency
  • etc.

This reflective work also includes a competitive component. Indeed, competitive advantages are an integral part of brand values. Let’s talk about best practices in this area. Digital channels are increasingly influential differentiating factors in the commercial activity of brands. Brand awareness and image also depend on a good online presence. So, keep this in mind when rethinking your:

territoire de marque communication

How to communicate your DNA to the market?

Finally, with identified needs and an identifiable brand DNA, it’s time for a communication strategy. For a good reason, this axis is the third pillar of the brand territory. Communication codes are a new differentiator: their use determines the level of effectiveness of your relationship marketing. These codes include many elements, among which we find:

  • The visuals : colors, shapes, graphic chart
  • The elements of speech : slogan, editorial tone, lexical field
  • The relationship with the consumer : community management, trigger marketing, and so on.

It is important to remain attractive at all costs. The brand territory is evolving, and it adapts to societal and technological changes.

brand territory exemples

3 examples of a clearly defined brand territory

We now know how to define this territory. Let’s tackle some concrete cases. Nike, Chanel, and Zara benefit from important worldwide awareness. Among other things, they owe this to their strong values and a singular marketing positioning. Here is how these companies transform their brand image into brand territory!


First, let’s focus on the example of Nike. Its positioning is exemplary because it is identifiable: it is inspiring, innovative, and performance-oriented. Its communication goes in this direction, pushing its customers to push their limits. We all see it through their marketing campaigns. Nike emphasizes diversity and the importance of communities. This is also felt in its product range, targeting several groups of consumers with different needs.

In practice, the visuals of Nike’s campaigns put the members of these communities in the spotlight. The brand presents them as successful athletes without omitting the values of diversity specific to the company and the targeted audience.

As an example, please find below an example of a recent advertising campaign. “Never Settle, Never Done” takes each element of the brand territory definition point by point:


Next, Chanel defines its brand territory according to inspiring values. At the top of the list, we find independence, women’s freedom, and elegance. The perfumer’s marketing message lies in the expression of creativity. That’s why its advertising campaigns emphasize the artistic position and the highlighting of celebrities.

Moreover, the brand is a specialist in social proof. This confirms consumers’ positive opinion, thanks to these public figures’ influence. Therefore, Chanel’s offer is based on a high-end customer experience to seduce its marketing target.

Visually speaking, Chanel’s communication conveys its values through traditional and even cinematic visuals. In doing so, the brand’s influence on art and culture is felt in the delimitation of its brand territory. The N°5 campaign with Brad Pitt as a guest features all these elements. The classic and simple style indicates the timelessness of Chanel:


Finally, the example of Zara’s brand territory is very interesting. Its values are extremely current, reaching an increasingly large target audience over time. Indeed, its values are such that they reach specific marketing targets. For this reason, its environmentally friendly positioning is given credibility by the functional, practical, and versatile aspect of its product range. In doing so, the brand uses communication codes perfect for defining a good brand territory in 2023.

Not surprisingly, the visual elements of Zara’s communication campaigns convey complementary values. The simplicity of the designs is skillfully coupled with the brand’s eco-responsible values. Zara’s YouTube channel is full of advertisements along these lines. The video below promotes a new collection for next summer. The models convey their connection to nature with clean visuals and a simple product line. The brand is becoming a great example of brand territory for any fashion player!

Posted in Marketing.