Content creation: what future with ChatGPT? [Podcast]

Content creation: what future with ChatGPT? [Podcast]

Is there still a future for content creation and inbound marketing with ChatGPT and its clones? How to use ChatGPT wisely? That’s the starting point of this Podcast, for which I invited 3 experts with several million visits on their respective blogs: Yann Gourvennec, Laurent Vermot-Gauchy, and Fred Canévet.

ChatGPT and content creation: the main ideas to remember

  • ChatGPT competes with offshore SEO writers in the niche of low-value-added articles
  • Experts can benefit from lengthy content enriched with illustrations and videos, which are currently out of reach of ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT can help you draft a lengthy article
  • to succeed in your inbound marketing strategy, you can use ChatGPT to suggest article ideas to fill your editorial calendar

Did ChatGPT kill content creation?

No, ChatGPT has not killed content creation. ChatGPT has just simplified the creation of low-value content. It is the offshore writers, the “digital slaves,” as Yann Gourvennec calls them, who are threatened. Fred Canévet also recognizes that SEO assistants must worry because their tasks can be automated, thanks to ChatGPT.

If ChatGPT has not killed content creation, it is because this tool has limits.

limits of ChatGPT

What are the limits of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT’s limitations are multiple:

The number one problem, however, is the originality of the content. Since ChatGPT is a statistical model that “predicts” the next word to form a sentence, it cannot create new content. It is irrevocably locked into the past, that of its training data collected from all over the web.

The content without interest is, therefore, likely to invade the web.

opportunity ChatGPT

An opportunity to differentiate

The experts I interviewed all agree that differentiation will become a key factor in winning the content creation race. Since irrelevant content is likely to overwhelm the web, those who create high-value content will still be able to get by. But they still need to be discovered in this ocean of garbage. As Yann Gourvennec reminds us, most of the planet will be satisfied with weak, flavorless content. After all, you can’t force the whole world to be intelligent.

Value-added content will only interest a small minority of Internet users. So, the question is how to establish a relationship with them. Can we still trust Google to highlight the best content? Or will search engines also be fooled by generative AI? In this field, prevention is better than cure. To retain your traffic, you must build an audience to which you can talk directly.

Differentiation will undoubtedly be achieved through the multiplication of formats. Laurent Vermot-Gauchy reminds us that all formats can coexist and are not competitors. Cinemas did not close when television appeared, and the radio when the Walkman was invented.

Content creation ChatGPT

3 Three uses of ChatGPT for content creators

Nevertheless, ChatGPT can be used as a basis for work. Fred Canévet explains in the Podcast the 3 uses he identified.

Enhanced lengthy content

Expert content” is a lengthy article of 2000 words or more. For expert content, you have very little chance to stand out if your article is less than 1500 words. SEO research has shown a strong correlation between the length of an article and its position on the first page.

ChatGPT can help you lay the foundation for a lengthy article. You can ask him to outline a topic, give you examples, and suggest videos to include. The human will be responsible for completing this outline, giving it soul, and making it into an article of at least 1500 words.

Modified Short Content

ChatGPT generates short content (500-700 words) on a given topic in this scenario. The article is then substantially edited and modified by a human writer by at least 40%.

Despite the modification percentage, this type of content has very little chance of ranking well. It is not long enough, not different enough, does not add enough value, and is mostly positioned on a very competitive topic.

Content with little visibility

The “little visible” content typically corresponds to “niche” queries for which Google has difficulty proposing relevant results. In SEO terms, it will be keywords with little competition and low volumes.

If you identify a set of such keywords, you can use ChatGPT to generate content. You will then have a good chance of being listed on the first page of the search engine quickly.

Content creation ChatGPT

ChatGPT can help you to keep the pace … of publication

So, my guests are communicating a message of hope. ChatGPT is not a panacea, and there is still a place for humans on the Internet. We are reassured. However, let’s pay attention to what ChatGPT can bring us: inspiration.

From an inbound marketing perspective, the most important thing is regularity. If you don’t publish content regularly, Google won’t be your friend. Laurent Vermot-Gauchy sees an opportunity to work hand in hand with ChatGPT. The latter can indeed be a source of inspiration. I have shown how to use it with MidJourney to create spectacular designs. But more simply, ChatGPT can help you:

  • create an editorial calendar
  • sketch out the outline of each article

The idea is so good that I’m considering trying it soon to reinforce the semantic cocoons I rely on to develop my inbound marketing.


Posted in Innovation.