An outstanding customer experience in an incredible store in Brussels

An outstanding customer experience in an incredible store in Brussels

Sometimes it’s not necessary to travel thousands of miles to find unique stores and enjoy incredible customer experiences.Although I’ve been living in Brussels for 10 years, I must admit I seldom go downtown and actually never shopped in the Rue Danseart.

I therefore missed many vintage stores and among them Idiz Bogam (76 rue Antoine Dansaert).

What a pity … when I first came in I was just amazed. You don’t get into a store. You get into a movie where the salespersons play their own role and you become yourself an actor in the scene. This is a movie the action of which could take place in a night club or a bar and it pretty much remembered me the movies Jean-Pierre Melville with Alain Delon (for those who know them: “Le Cercle Rouge” or “Un flic”). The clubs and night clubs of those movies pretty much resemble the atmosphere at Idiz Bogam.

I’m not a vintage connoisseur and am unfortunately not able to tell much about the product but everything is for sale and it seems that all objects are picked up and chosen with care.

My take:

Wow …..

Posted in Marketing.