Market research news

The blog of the market research agency IntoTheminds lists opinionated articles, examples of alignment with marketing theory, highlights and bad buzz, carefully selected by Pierre-Nicolas Schwab, his team and influential experts.

  1. 92% of Michelin-starred restaurants require a credit card deposit

    By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab

    Asking for a credit card deposit in restaurants has become common practice when making reservations. In the research we've just carried out, 92% of Michelin-starred restaurants required it. We also found that the amounts requested vary widely, averaging 60% of the price of the most expensive menu. Find out all the results in this article and the restaurant's name that requires €2,000 prepayment per guest.

    Illustration of our post "92% of Michelin-starred restaurants require a credit card deposit"
  2. Heatwave: what effects on development and Europe?

    By Pierre-Nicolas Schwab

    The economic impact of the heatwave has been estimated at 0.6 points of GDP. The effects vary from country to country, and Europe is particularly hard hit. This article also looks at possible solutions for companies and proposes a medium- and long-term analysis of the effects on regions affected by the heatwave. Dubai is an example of an area that has implemented strategies to remain competitive despite the heatwave.

    Illustration of our post "Heatwave: what effects on development and Europe?"