The blog enters the summer schedule

The blog enters the summer schedule

Dear Readers,

First of all we’d like to thank you for reading this blog.

We have been very pleased to observe an increase in the audience of the blog. Visitors spend more time on the blog and read more articles, which is obviously very rewarding for us.

We kept our promise to deliver three original articles per week (on Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and have published 86 articles since January, 1st. Since we started this blog we’ve published 1215 articles in French, English or Dutch.

As you may have seen we started in January to translate all our articles in Dutch but had to stop for some operational reasons. We hope to resume this work in the summer and have most articles translated by the end of the year.

Many of you will be on holiday in the coming two months. We too. We’ll therefore reduce the frequency of our posts to one per week (instead of three) and will issue on article every Wednesday.

In September we’ll resume to publish three times a week.

Thank you again for your trust and we wish you a fantastic summer,


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