Content strategy: how to differentiate yourself from ChatGPT?

Content strategy: how to differentiate yourself from ChatGPT?

At the time of ChatGPT, we must question our content creation strategy to differentiate ourselves. It is no longer possible to produce mundane content. It is imperative to create value for the reader at the risk of not having an audience at all. Inbound marketing will become more difficult than ever, and only exceptional websites will survive. In this article, I share with you my thoughts and 6 types of content that I believe are immune to the risks represented by ChatGPT.

If you only have 30 seconds

ChatGPT, Bing, and other generative AIs can create complex text in seconds. The value of a blog post has dropped dramatically, and it is now possible to buy a 1000-word post for 0.10€.

Inbound marketing strategy must be based on content with high added value to avoid falling into mundane content. We distinguish 6 types of content:

  1. articles that use primary data, i.e., proprietary data never published before
  2. Opinion articles
  3. Predictions, which analyze the past and present to anticipate the future
  4. Content that mixes different formats (text, audio, video, …)
  5. Podcasts
  6. videos

ChatGPT: the challenges of content creation in 2023

ChatGPT simplifies so much the content creation that companies now propose to create 1000 words articles for … 0,1€. You read that right. 10 cents per 1000 words. That’s the value of a text produced by ChatGPT. If you still want to be read, you must create articles of an infinitely higher value.

Being satisfied  with texts produced by CchatGPT on your Blog presents 2 risks:

  • that of not being read anymore because your content will be banal and similar to others on the same subject (see our research on the similarity of texts produced by ChatGPT)
  • be penalized by Google
    • because your content will not be read, which will send negative signals that will make you drop in the SERP
    • because your contents will be generated artificially and will be recognized sooner or later as such

So why play with fire?

Generative AI will always be a step behind. It can only be a reflection of the past. Thinking about the future, and analyzing the present, are the recipes for success at the time of ChatGPT.

Priority to original content … in every sense of the word

In 2023, inbound marketing will be synonymous with original content. To protect yourself from ChatGPT and other generative AIs, you must create content they can’t produce. In other words, you have to differentiate yourself.

Generative AI will always be a step behind. It can only be a reflection of the past. Thinking about the future, and analyzing the present, are the recipes for success in the ChatGPT era.

ChatGPT will always be better than you at compiling existing information and making summaries. So I think the future of “guides,” those ultra-lengthy contents that maximized the word count, is over. This type of content was popular for SEO reasons. Three objective factors were indeed correlated to the position on the SERP:

  • high word count
  • completeness
  • time spent on the page

The problem was that the results became similar by aiming for the same effects. All the guides on an X subject looked the same, and none stood out. A shame.

Content Strategy future

Types of content that still have a future

The real content creators, who think about their audience first before thinking about their SEO positioning, should be fine. These creators have their creativity to themselves, something generative AI needs to improve. But the tableau I’m painting could be bleaker than that.

Primary data

At the risk of repeating what I said in this articlegenerative AI could only feed on secondary data. This is data that is publicly available. Primary data, which is the most confidential and, therefore, the most valuable, is outside the scope of generative AI.

Therefore, content based on primary data will always be one step ahead of conversational agents. But remember that Bing will quickly ingest it. My tests show that Bing integrates data already 30 minutes after publishing it! So you have to promote it directly without expecting any return from conversational agents whose goal is not to send traffic to the outside world (by the way, ChatGPT doesn’t even quote its sources, a real heresy).

Opinion articles

ChatGPT and its clones can only borrow opinions. The creativity they are said to have is only feigned since it depends on the texts that the artificial intelligence has swallowed up. For this reason, opinion pieces will always have a place in the inbound marketing ecosystem. However, for them to resonate, you must use your personal branding to promote them.


Regarding content strategy, it’s imperative to remember that generative AI answers your questions by consulting websites. As some claim, it cannot predict the future but only regurgitates what others have already written.

Predicting the future has been an obsession of human beings since the dawn of time. It will remain so, especially since the current period is extremely turbulent. So use your industry expertise to analyze the changes we are experiencing and propose your potential events to your audience. The worst that can happen is that you are wrong. Only those who do nothing will hold it against you.

Composite articles (including guides)

Like many other automatic writing solutions, ChatGPT produces only text. It takes human intelligence to understand where and what content to place to make your text “resonate.” Bing can also “invent” images (only in “creative” mode for now). But no solution can currently mix different content formats: text, video, audio, images, and pdf documents … all this will remain out of the reach of artificial intelligence for a long time.


I have always believed in podcasts as a way to develop your personal branding and your audience. With the arrival of GPT4 and its threat to bloggers, I believe more than ever in the value of podcasts to build a loyal audience. Creating a podcast is not expensive but requires strong discipline and effort to find your guests and publish regularly.


Videos created by generative AI are still far from what humans can do. I’ve tried text-to-speech several times, a technique that converts text to audio and video. It is very simple, but I was not 100% convinced by the result. Nothing wants a real human in front of the camera, with its share of emotions and imperfections.

As for video interviews, they will remain out of reach of generative AI for a long time to come, so this production mode is very promising. Think also of webinars (a form of a video interview in the end) and multiple delivery channels. A program like Riverside allows you to broadcast live video content on multiple channels: LinkedIn, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, and so on …


Posted in Strategy.