Delvaux and Dandoy associated in a co-branding initiative

Delvaux and Dandoy associated in a co-branding initiative

Let’s finish the week with a brilliant idea of co-branding launched by our beloved brand Dandoy in partnership with Delvaux.

For those who don’t live in Belgium Dandoy is a century-old company manufacturing high-quality biscuits, and Delvaux a renown leather goods manufacturer. Both companies are based in Brussels and members of the association Brussels Exclusive Labels.

More than a century of tradition

Quite incredibly in today’s world of failures and bankruptcies, these two firms have been around for 185 years. This is quite an extraordinary performance when you think of the difficulties of entrepreneurship nowadays and of changing customers’ behaviors. As we recalled in an earlier post, even a premium or luxury positioning (what Dandoy and Delvaux can respectively claim) is not a guarantee against failure. The example we gave of Ginori proves it.

Delvaux and Dandoy decided to celebrate this performance in an original way : with a co-branding marketing initiative.

Two new products, a common initiative and a winner

Dandoy has been known for launching one new biscuit every year and this year, on the occasion of their 185th anniversary, they decided to create the “biscuit brilliant” (which one could translate by “the shinning biscuit”). They partnered with Delvaux to create a one-of-a-kind bag in white leather decorated with gold tone circles reminding of the “biscuit brilliant”.

The bag cannot be purchased but can only be won. From Oct 10th special biscuit boxes will be available at Dandoy with a lottery ticket in each of them. Consumers wishing to participate will have to bring their ticket to the Delvaux boutique in the Galerie de la Reine in Brussels; a clever way for both brands to have their respective clientele visit each other’s store.

Advice for your marketing strategy

Co-branding initiatives are not rare, yet remain an underused marketing technique to fuel your sales. What we appreciate in the Dandoy / Delvaux initiative is that it goes beyond the mere PR event. There is a real good concept behind it, and a marketing strategy which is consistent with the positioning of both brands. In addition (and this is very scarce) each brand does benefit from the co-branding initiative : Dandoy through the sales generated, Delvaux through the visits of people who may have never entered their store. It’s really a Win-Win solution for both.

Posted in Marketing.