A map of the best and most innovative retail concepts in the world

A map of the best and most innovative retail concepts in the world

How do you get inspiration for creating a unique customer experience in your store ? By visiting other stores and understanding emerging consumers’ behaviors. This is what we do by visiting once a month a new European city, spotting and reporting the most innovative retail concepts and talking with their owners.

This time we are just returning from a retail tour in Berlin and we came back amazed by the vitality of the retailing scene. We had made a short list of 20 stores of interest in two areas of the city and visited them all. First of all we found many concept stores of interest in the area of Alexanderplatz : Zeit für Brot (a bio bakery), Rike Feuerstein (a hat store with an incredible decoration), the 4010 Telekom shop in the Alt Schonhäusstrasse, No74 (a very specialized Adidas store with special focus on limited editions) and Twinkind (Auguststrasse 35) which proposes to replace your picture by a 3D model of you. As their website promises “3D-printed life-like photo figurines”.

The other area of interest was the Kurfürstendamm, in the western part of the city (where you’ll find also the famous KaDeWe, Kaufhaus des Westens). This area is the home of established brands like Audi and its incredible Audi City but also the very innovative 02 concept store that will get its own article in the coming weeks.

We will of course report more in detail on each and every store we visited, the discussions we had with their owners. In the meantime however we thought it might be a good idea to compile all this knowledge in a unique Google map (that may become a collaborative tool over the next months). The goal would be to put all the stores we visited and which we find especially interesting from a marketing, customer experience viewpoint.

Some entrepreneurs and brands do really a great job at crafting a unique and differentiated marketing strategy. They deserve to be known and we’d like to help you discover them by maintaining this Google map for you. As usual all this knowledge is put at your disposal for free. When you open the map, just click on the placeholders to discover what’s behind it. We even added a short description and, when available, a link to the article on the blog where we dealt with the very concept.

If you know other stores that should be on the map, send us a message and we will be happy to oblige. Thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Posted in Innovation, Marketing.