How to create a concept store with a limited budget?

After having visited the SMETS concept store in Brussels and the subsequent definition of the innovation factors of this type of outlet, I visited Le Dressing.

Le Dressing is a small concept store that openly claims to be part of the “conceptual” movement. It was opened by Issiaka Johnson, a Belgian of Cameroonian and Guinean origin with a definite taste for fashion.

Issiaka opened Le Dressing last year in Brussels, at 7 rue de l’Athénée (one perpendicular to the busy Chaussée d’Ixelles) with the help of the Guarantee Fund of the Brussels Region.

It mainly offers a selection of clothing in an environment typical of concept stores: use of flat surfaces, one or two pieces maximum per type of product, furniture ideal of a cosy interior, objects creating a unique atmosphere. For example, you will find a bicycle with golden handlebars and pedals that will not fail to attract your attention.

Advice for your business plan

Issiaka proves that it is possible to differentiate even with a limited budget. Her recipe is based on a mix of taste, research for innovation and a selection of hard-to-find brands. If this recipe seems to have appealed to investors who have read her business plan, however, remember that the success of your marketing strategy and your business as a whole also depends on a series of factors that you cannot influence. Finding the right location for your store is one of them, as we explained in a previous post.