Read our white paper on market research

How do I carry out market research? What market research methods should I use? These are some of the questions to which this guide is designed to provide the answers.

While the professional services of market research agencies such as ours are at your disposal, not everyone has the required budget (but don’t forget that you may be able to benefit from subsidies).

In order to respond in particular to queries from project initiators and entrepreneurs, we have designed a step-by-step method that will allow you to carry out market research from A to Z even if you are a novice.

The different stages of market research

At first, the most important thing is good understanding of the different stages and the complementary nature of different market research techniques: PESTEL analysis, market segmentation research, competition analysis, qualitative and quantitative techniques all complement each other. That is why we have designed a method in 7 successive phases. Each phase corresponds to the use of specific techniques which allow you to move forward in your understanding of a market, customer expectations and the number of potential customers.

The 7th and final step is the synthesis of all the information gathered, a transition phase that will allow you to get started on your financial plan and the drafting of your business plan (an essential document when you go looking for a bank loan).

Some articles to deepen your knowledge

Our guide to performing market research also refers, in its online version, to a series of articles published on our blog that will allow you to deepen your knowledge of the various areas involved. Please feel free to consult them and to “dive into” the resources that we having been placing at your disposal for almost 10 years now.

Some graphics to facilitate understanding

Each article in the guide to conducting market research also includes a graphic representation of the 7 phases of implementation


This representation, symbolised by a number, a colour and a pictograph, will allow you to locate your position in the guide. A menu on the right also allows you to easily access any of the stages in which you are interested.

the different steps for a successful market research

Original graphics on performing market research

Finally, our guide comes complete with original and specially created graphics. This graphic display represents all 7 phases of complete market research, along with the sub-steps. We have put a lot of effort into creating these graphics: they are a concentration of maximum knowledge without being too complicated for a novice to absorb. If you want to get a high-resolution version of this infographics, don’t hesitate to drop us a line.