One Day One Idea: the management of customer experience by Cerdan Heritage

One Day One Idea: the management of customer experience by Cerdan Heritage

Santa Claus brought me this year some very cool “Cerdan Heritage” stuffs. If you don’t know about Cerdan Heritage, read the article we wrote a while ago about this SME started by Marcel Cerdan’s grandsons.

The idea in brief

Not only are clothes of extreme high quality but the products come with a series of little details that enhance the overall customer’s experience: cardboard label with its vintage safety pin, Cerdan label stitched in each piece of clothing, satisfaction warranty card, …



Advice #1 for your marketing strategy

Differentiation is often about emotion. What do your competitors do for their customers’ experience? Have they thought about all touch points? What can you improve? Remember, customer experience doesn’t start and doesn’t end with the very consumption of your product or services!


Advice #2 for your market research and your business plan (be it in Brussels, Belgium or elsewhere)

Include meaningful differentiation factors in your business plan and show that emotion is important in today’s market. Don’t play only on quality and/or service. Include in your business plans little details that will make you unique and will help customers remember the efforts that you put in what you do.

Posted in Marketing.