[Podcast] how to support female entrepreneurship, with Florence Blaimont

[Podcast] how to support female entrepreneurship, with Florence Blaimont

Women represent only 1/3 of entrepreneurs in Belgium. They earn 28% less than their male counterparts, according to the Brussels barometer of female entrepreneurship (2017 edition in French). And nearly 40% of Belgian women entrepreneurs have thought about stopping their activity in 2018. At a time when business creation is more than ever a driving force of the economy when governments are pampering start-ups, how can these figures be explained? How can we promote women’s entrepreneurship and make it a driving force for our societies?

In this podcast, we welcome a woman of conviction who helps other women to start their own business. Florence Blaimont is the leader of WoWoCommunity, a community of women who are starting or want to start their own business. We will discuss with her in this podcast the five obstacles to female entrepreneurship but also the available solutions:

  • Obstacle #1: reconciling personal and professional life
  • Obstacle #2: fear of not earning enough
  • Obstacle #3: lack of confidence
  • Obstacle #4: lack of training
  • Obstacle #5: the feeling of not being sufficiently supported by others
Florence Blaimont

Florence Blaimont, a guest at our podcast on female entrepreneurship.

Florence Blaimont will explain the importance of community and mutual aid in the accomplishment of a business project; she will also discuss the genesis of WoWoCommunity and its ambitions for the coming years.

A podcast not to be missed with an energetic and optimistic young woman.

Facts and Statistics on Female Entrepreneurship

  • In France, 14% of women identify themselves as entrepreneurs compared to 22% of men (source: Veuve Clicquot barometer)
  • In the United Kingdom, 19% of women identify themselves as entrepreneurs compared to 36% of men. (source: Veuve Clicquot barometer)
  • The pleasure of being your own boss is the number one motivation of French women entrepreneurs (source: Veuve Clicquot barometer)
  • 40% of Belgian women entrepreneurs have thought about stopping their activity in 2018
  • 1/3 of self-employed people in Belgium are women
  • Independent women earn 28% less than men (source: Brussels 2017 female entrepreneurship barometer)
  • In Belgium, 85% of women want to start a business

For further information on female entrepreneurship

Below are two fascinating studies on female entrepreneurship. One by the Veuve Clicquot champagne brand that presents results on a global scale. The other was carried out by Hub.Brussels in 2015 and presents results at the local level (Brussels) which are also more detailed.

Global study on female entrepreneurship

[pdf-embedder url=”https://dev.intotheminds.com/app/uploads/veuve_clicquot_-_international_women_entrepreneurship_barometer_-_wordlwide_2019_3.pdf”]

A local study on female entrepreneurship in Brussels

[pdf-embedder url=”https://dev.intotheminds.com/app/uploads/Impulse-FR€Entrepreneuriat-2015.pdf” title=”Impulse FR€Entrepreneuriat-2015″]



Posted in Entrepreneurship.