Sonos flagship store offers a unique customer experience

Sonos flagship store offers a unique customer experience

Sonos is a high-end brand of audio equipment for the home. The Sonos flagship store in New-York is a model of outstanding retail customer experience. Follow us for an inspirational tour of this retail space located at the heart of SoHo, one of New-York’s most fashionable retail districts.

How Sonos creates a unique in-store customer experience

Unlike any other store the products are not prominently displayed in the Sonos flagship store. What you see when entering the store is actually not the products. What you see when you enter your store are capsules to recreate your home sweet home. Sonos offers you the possibility to escape the store environment and enjoy the product’s unique features in a capsule that is like your home. This is key to selling the Sonos products.

Hear the difference in a controled environment

The key to selling those -pretty- expensive products is to convince the customer of the superior difference in terms of audio quality. Imagine for one moment you are in a regular store. How would that go ? You’d call a sales assistant who, at best, would bring you to another area of the store where dozens of other devices are on display and would switch it on for you. What would be the result ? You would probably not hear the difference because of the surrounding conditions : noise, other customers, no time to listen properly, you name it. The Sonos capsules isolate you from the store environment, from the other customers both acoustically and visually (have you noticed the teinted glass of the Sonos capsules?). You can relax in a comfortable chair, play your own music if you want and take as much time as needed. This is a controled environment.


In short this unique in-store experience breaks the retail codes for selling audio equipment and makes it possible for customers to understand the difference in terms of audio quality.

Posted in Marketing.