This store window is interactional … but not digital

This store window is interactional … but not digital

The Converse store in Berlin has a very nice and creative idea to make sure people and prospective customers are attracted in the store. Let’s have a look at what they did.

The problem with most store windows is that they are very static. This is especially true for clothes. Windows look “dead”. Digital technologies enabled to bring some life and made windows more attractive for customers. Yet, going digital has a price that not all retailers can afford. That’s why we liked the initiative of Converse : it’s simple, creative and never seen before (although we must admit we had a very similar idea in one of our design thinking sessions a while ago for a vinyl record project).

What Converse did was to conceive a mechanical device that rotates different pictures of shoes. The very movement of this display is an eye-catcher in itself.

We just loved the idea and we’re sure it can be applied in many different settings. Dear retailers, make your window move, give it life and people will enter your store !

Posted in Marketing.