Successful market research and yet another store opened in Brussels

Successful market research and yet another store opened in Brussels

After last week’s announcement that a new store was opened in Brussels after a successful market research, we are also proud to report (with some delay however) that yet another store (this time in the HORECA sector) was opened by one of our clients near the European Commission in Brussels.

Ethnik was opened by Steve Gravy on 5 Avenue d’Auderghem to serve customers’ needs for fresh, tasty and healthy food on the go.

We coached Steve during all the market research phase. He learned with us how to conduct a competitive analysis, measured flows of pedestrians of various potential locations to determine the best one, and managed all operational aspects of the project. IntoTheMinds also proposed Steve several possible locations and a marketing concept that helped him achieve differentiation. After several months of intensive coaching Steve was ready to become an entrepreneur, a first step in changing life and getting independent.

The collaboration with Steve is an excellent example of the broad range of integrated and coaching services we propose to would-be entrepreneurs (whatever the sector) with a special focus on the HORECA sector (which remains, despite all its difficulties, one of the most innovative and interesting one). These services encompass the following :

  • Market research
  • Development of a marketing concept
  • Development of a franchising offer
  • Design and graphic identity
  • Search for financing
  • Layout development of the store
  • Product selection
  • Tasting and benchmarking
  • Selection of hardware and software (cash register, CRM software, loyalty program, …)
  • Development of operational processes and documentation of procedures

We’ll soon publish an interview of Steve on his experience with IntoTheMinds during the course of his project. In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us.

Posted in Entrepreneurship.