This video will show you that you lack observation skills

This video will show you that you lack observation skills

Usually I’m not a big fan of videos “making the buzz” on YouTube (not to say that I actually hate the mere expression “to make the buzz”).

This being said I was recently deeply interested (and touched) by one of them.

The video in itself has emotional ingredients to make it viral and is very well done. But what I found actually interesting was the very methodology that was used. Because I the end, what you’ll see on this video, is an experiment and its results.

It starts with an explanation, continues with the preparation of the experiment, and then you see the results and the discussion afterwards. In my opinion one of the good things in this video is that it puts you in the role of an ethnographer. You’re becoming the researcher and you’re witnessing with the eyes of the ethnographer what’s happening.

It’s a very emotional video for sure.


This video shows very vividly that we lack observation skills. We become insensitive because of too many stimuli. This in turn becomes a terrible issue for marketers who strive to attract the attention of potential consumers. In my opinion such behaviors are also provoked by social pressure. Once you’re going outside you must behave differently. There are certain norms and rules that you follow unconsciously: one of them is that poor people must be ignored. We ignore people being assaulted or even murdered in the street; why should be care for silent homeless crowds.

Beyond the emotions and the feelings that this video may trigger in the next 30 seconds after you’ll have seen it (after that everyone will be back to normal life) the real “lesson learned” for me is that we are unable to observe. We are unable to behave like ethnographers which, in turn, impedes our capacity to discover opportunity. This video is therefore dedicated especially to entrepreneurs for whom a venture starts with the identification of an opportunity

Posted in Entrepreneurship.