14 statistics to win the war for talent

14 statistics to win the war for talent

The French recruitment industry is in the midst of a fierce war for talent. Indeed, the talent shortage and the empowerment of candidates over employers will be universal phenomena in 2022. These are the conclusions of research conducted with 350 French companies on behalf of the firm Reverse, and they are clear. We show that French companies quickly draw new weapons to stand out. In parallel, alternative recruitment resources are multiplying. You can find two infographics in this article. They include 14 key figures to understand the current situation of the recruitment market in France.




All about the French war for talent in 30 seconds

  • 80% of companies propose remote working to their employees
  • 72% of companies have increased their employees’ compensation since 2021
  • 30% of the structures use firms to shorten their recruitment process
  • 75% of companies have improved their managerial habits to decrease employee departure
  • 66% of companies that have tested the metaverse for recruitment purposes are convinced by it
  • 76% of companies have used social networks at least once to recruit staff
  • 61% of structures are interested in the idea of reverse recruitment


Recruitment in France: what is the situation in 2022?

In 2022, IntoTheMinds was commissioned by the recruitment firm Reverse to conduct a national survey on the recruitment practices of French companies. They result from:

  • The increasing supply/demand disparity
  • The difficulties in meeting the right candidates

There is no doubt that French companies have understood that recruitment in 2022 is in full transformation. To keep up with the times, they are redoubling their ingenuity to differentiate themselves and attract the most sought-after candidates.

The results come from B2B research conducted from 29/09/2022 to 02/10/2022. A sample of some 350 French companies was surveyed.

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The new weapons of French companies in the war for talent

Today, French companies must have several strings to their bow to seduce candidates. In this case, the old methods are no longer enough: candidates must be reassured about their working conditions. In a context of a generalized search for meaning in the minds of employees, the missions of each person must be justifiable and useful.

Here are 7 figures that show the new weapons used by French companies to win the war for talent:

  • Remote working: Only 20% of the structures proposed it before the pandemic. Today, 80% of companies offer this option to their employees.
  • Compensation: Compared to 2021, 72% of companies have increased it for their employees.
  • Co-opting: 25% of the structures have implemented it in 2022.
  • End of the trial period: 21% of companies have tried recruitment without a trial period
  • Management: 75% of companies have changed their managerial policy to limit the departure of employees
  • Recruitment speed: 43% of structures have accelerated their practices in 2022 to recruit in less than a month
  • Recruitment firms: 30% of companies use firms to shorten their process

7 innovative practices of French companies to improve recruitment

Faced with increasingly demanding and less available candidates, French companies have had to innovate. In most cases, this involves innovative ways of recruiting.

Here are 7 examples of innovative practices used by French organizations to recruit more efficiently.

  • Metaverse: 66% of the structures that have tested it for recruitment purposes are convinced by it
  • Social networks: 76% of companies have used them at least once to recruit staff
  • Job tests: only 23% of companies have never set up “job test” events. Here, candidates learn about new positions in the company to see if they are a good fit.
  • On the fly: 72% of companies have already recruited “on the fly.” In other words, candidates are recruited in walk-in locations. This method typically takes place outdoors (in shopping centers, for example).
  • Role reversal: 61% of structures are interested in reverse recruitment. The company presents itself and demonstrates its qualities to the candidate.
  • Unusual: 40% of companies have already tried recruiting in unusual places. This often happens during personal life moments, usually not conducive to recruitment (sports, travel, dinner, and so on.)
  • Street sourcing: 55% of structures have already tested or are interested in it. This street recruitment consists of canvassing passers-by in busy places to propose a job.


Infographics: War for talent and alternative resources for better recruitment

Below you will find two infographics created by us. They summarize the information previously mentioned and give an overview of the French employment industry.

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Reverse: your agile Headhunter for permanent placement

Reverse accompanies companies in the new world of headhunting. This player stands out in the industry thanks to its digital and scientific approach to human resources. It proposes to companies:

  • headhunting services
  • recruitment advice.

Its customer platform gives its customers total visibility and transparency on processes. In addition, its tools simplify the collection of data needed to track each step before analyzing them to optimize flows.

A scientific approach that combines technology and human relations gives companies the certainty of recruiting the best strategic figures. Reverse is present in Italy, France, Spain, and Germany, with offices in Milan, Bologna, Berlin, Barcelona, and Paris: more than 100 people make up its teams. Its Agile Headhunting is an advanced solution for permanent recruitment.

The firm guarantees a double specialization thanks to the industry teams – experts in the sector in which the company operates – and the Scouts, key figures in Collaborative Recruitment®. Thanks to this model, the Scouts -professionals active in the same field as the candidate but with greater seniority- collaborate alongside the Head Hunters.

The scientific method and the data-driven approach finally make headhunting an exact science. The Scout confirms the candidates’ hard skills during a technical interview. This leaves room for what adds value: human relations. Certified Great Place to Work and Great Place to Work for Women, each “Reverser” works daily with an open mind to change. In short, this is a truly digital approach with flexibility.

Posted in Entrepreneurship.