Why am I writing this blog?

Why am I writing this blog?

I was in a meeting with a client a few weeks ago and one of his employees asked me where I was getting my inspiration from to write 3 posts per week. Well, it has certainly to do with curiosity but not only. The underlying purpose of this blog is to diffuse knowledge. This blog as no other purpose than to share my thoughts and help others with my ideas. I firmly believe that I can make this world better by bringing in new perspectives, analyzing thing under a different angle, challenging the current state-of-the-art and combining innovations from different areas.

Many people think that knowledge is power and that knowledge deserves to be protected. I can’t agree less with such a statement.

I do believe that knowledge does not exist if it is not shared. The purpose of knowledge is to enrich people’s lives and when I think about it, my take is that companies’ primary goal should also be to enrich people’s lives. This goal seems to be forgotten by many and I’m modestly trying to reverse the trend.

I’ve been posting on this blog for more than 3 years and have succeeded in keeping the posting frequency of 3 posts a week (on Monday, Wednesday and Friday). This is actually the hardest part. Bloggers are usually very productive in the first weeks and slowly the posting frequency decreases. Thanks God I never lost the faith and sometimes blogging is even a therapy when it comes to pointing out firms’ failures and their resulting frustrations.

In terms of figures, although the audience went up 50% in the last 6 months I believe I can reach more people; at the same time however I realize that the topics I deal with are highly specialized and can’t interest as many people as, say, news on cars or smartphone.

Currently 50% of the readers are located in France and 70% of the readers read the French version of the blog. There is still potential with the English version.

I’ve set up for myself a few goals for 2012 :

Keep publishing 3 posts a week

Reach the parity in terms of audience for the French and English versions of the blog

Increase the total audience by 50%

Invite guest writers once a month

I’m still hesitating about the very content of the posts. In the last weeks I’ve tried to alternate highly focused and “technical” posts with more easy-to-read articles. In terms of visits I don’t see much difference. I guess the easiest way to get an answer to that question is to ask you: what do you want? What did you like to read in 2011 and what didn’t you like? This blog is yours and can only be fully successful if I manage to make you move, think different, and exchange ideas. This is actually the biggest challenge of all.

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