Mono-product marketing strategies: the exemple of l’Atelier de l’Eclair

Mono-product marketing strategies: the exemple of l’Atelier de l’Eclair
  1. There is no such difficult thing than to start a successful business with only one product. Yet, we have noticed recent initiatives in the retail sector of innovative mono-product marketing  strategies.

We visited last month “L’Atelier de l’éclair” in Paris, a store dedicated to a traditional French pastry called “éclair”. Ladurée made the macarons famous and launched a long-lasting trend; the three founders of l’Atelier de L’éclair found old papers related to this pastry and also found out that éclairs ranked first in French’s’ favorite pastries. Unlike macarons, they are a long-lasting tradition that is anchored deeply in everyone’s memories. You’ll probably not find any French that can’t remember the éclairs tasted when he/she was younger.

L’Atelier was started in November 2012 in Le Sentier, an area located in Paris 2nd district. It’s a trendy area, very much inspired by fashion and trends, where such a store fits very well. Although the three founders had no previous experience in this sector (one of them, Gaspard, is actually still studying), we were impressed by the attention for details and the perfection of the concept. An incredible energy and dedication was put into finetuning all details: from product (obviously) to packaging, through communication, everything seems to have been carefully studied and planned.

The realization of the store itself was incredibly well mastered. The opening was due in early Nov 12 and the works could only start in October 2012. What has been done in 1 month is just amazing when you consider the quality of the realization.

The pictures below speak for themselves and, before publishing a more thorough article about this innovate retail concept, we wanted to share this discovery with you and give you the possibility to visit l’Atelier de l’Eclair (16 Rue Bachaumont  75002 Paris, France) during your next trip to Paris.

Posted in Marketing, Strategy.